USDA UNM MSB A Resource for Wood Boring Beetles of the World

About the Resource

How to Search for Tools

Identify your specimen to family. Visit the Identify Family area to access the Wood Boring Beetle Families Lucid identification tool. This tool delimits family-level taxa (both adults and larvae) of Coleoptera known to be wood borers.

Search tools by family. Once you know what family you're dealing with, visit the Family Tool Search area to view tools for a specific family or all families of wood boring beetles. Tools which are already available are listed first, in chronological order by year, followed by tools which are currently in development (not yet released), also listed chronologically by year.

Search tools by geographic region. Each tool included in A Resource for Wood Boring Beetles of the World covers one or more geographic regions. Visit the Geographic Tool Search area to view tools for a specific region (e.g. Nearctic, Neotropic, etc.). Tools which are already available are listed first, in chronological order by year, followed by tools which are currently in development (not yet released), also listed chronologically by year.

Select tools from list. Visit the Select Tool area to view a list of newly released tools, previously released tools, and upcoming tools in development. Newly released tools are defined as those which have been released within the current or previous calendar year. Tools which are already available are listed first, in chronological order by year, followed by tools which are currently in development (not yet released), also listed chronologically by year.
Bark Beetle Genera of the US

  SITE LAST MODIFIED: 9 January 2018